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AGP Pellet Insert

Product Description

  • Heating Capacity**: Up to 2,000 Sq. Ft.
  • Burn Times*: On Low- 50 hours. On High- 28 hours
  • High to Low Turn Down*: 72%
  • Burn Rate Per Hour*: 1.4 lbs on Low. 5 lbs on High
  • BTU/Hour Range***: Low – 8,320. High – 33,686
  • Glass Area: 127 Sq. In.

** HEATING CAPACITY may vary depending on the degree of home insulation, floor plan and ambient temperature zone of the area in which you live. BTU/Hour range, Turn down ratio and burn times will vary with the quality, size and brand of pellets used. Burn times based on 70 lb. fuel load.
*** Based on 8,200 BTUs per pound.

The AGP insert employs the same innovative technology as the AGP freestanding stove, but is ideal for converting an inefficient, open fireplace into a beautiful source of heat for your home. This environmentally sound way to heat your home produces less than one gram of emissions per hour and burns ALL GRADES of wood pellets that are made from all-natural wood by-products.
The AGP insert employs the same innovative technology as the AGP freestanding stove, but is ideal for converting an inefficient, open fireplace into a beautiful source of heat for your home. This environmentally sound way to heat your home produces less than one gram of emissions per hour and burns ALL GRADES of wood pellets that are made from all-natural wood by-products.

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